Copyright 1996-2024 Whirly Bird LLC
The Whirly Bird Helicopter Simulator is a F.A.A. Certified Rotorcraft Helicopter Advance Aviation Training Device or A. A.T. D. The entire system comes in it’s own portable case and only takes 2 minutes to set up to be ready to fly! The portability and easy use makes it ideal for flight schools, high schools, universities, government/military applications, commercial use, offices, trade shows and private home use.
The extreme realism of the WBHS allows pilots to spend more time learning to fly, maintaining their skills, and enhancing their proficiency. The Whirly Bird Simulator trains both VFR flight and IFR flight conditions as well procedural and emergency procedures.
Along with its ease of use and quick set up times, total emersion in your training session is the goal of the WBHS. The WBHS features a 37” inch LCD HDTV main screen, two "out the window views" side monitors, separate 17“ inch LCD touch screen instrument panel monitor, fully functional Com 1,Com 2, Nav 1, Nav 2 radio stack, fully functional switch, push button, and rotary knob panes, and GPS unit, instructor station, ATC voice recognition simulator program, and Bose Sound System. The Whirly Bird Helicopter Simulator offers the same features and more as other simulators that cost almost 4 times as much!
All flight models have been thoroughly tested by commercial instrument rated helicopter pilots, D.P.E's, chief pilots, and certified helicopter flight instructors to ensure realistic flight feel in our flight models.
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Whirly Bird LLC
F.A.A. Certified Helicopter A.T.D
From Case To Cockpit In Only 2 MINUTES!
Simulator Is Easily Transported
Built In Dual Monitor Instructor Station